Love this post. I've recently realised I've been romanticising my life since I was a child but have never had the words to express it. I think it's helped with my anxiety! have a tendency to get stuck in an endless loop of my own worries so it's nice to put on rose-coloured glasses and have a break from my own mind for a while. Not sure what a trained therapist would say about this as a coping strategy, but it works for me haha! Thank you for these words xx

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Oh my god. As an English major and an eldest daughter who loves Taylor Swift, New Girl, and Little Women and who from the ages of 5-12 pretended my life was a sitcom, I don't think I've ever read a Substack post I've related to this much. I've always thought the whole 'pretending my life was a tv show' thing was just a weird, delusional thing I did, but the older I've gotten, the more I've heard of other people doing the same and the more I've realised it's way more common than I thought. I'm still a hardcore daydreamer, and that's something I've always viewed as an unhealthy habit I can't break out of, but the positive tone in which you speak of daydreaming in this post is definitely making me re-think that. This was a great read!

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ahhhh 🤍 i feel so honored and glad that this piece made you feel seen and understood. you’re definitely not delusional for daydreaming too much, i think it’s endearing and a good mindset that helps motivate us through the mundanity of life!!!

thank you so much for reading :-)

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this resonated with me so much to the point that i'm having deja vu because these feel like my thoughts. you wrote this so beautifully, and i too have done this my whole life (i.e. pretending my life was a tv show as a kid, imagining myself in a movie anytime i'd listen to a song, romanticizing and taking life as it comes). love love love this more than i can put into words x

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this is so heartwarming. thank you so much for reading, i’m beyond elated that it resonated with you 🤍

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one of the most relatable posts as an eldest thought daughter who uses escapism, imagination, and romanticism to keep anxiety at bay >>>

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